Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A big fat gap

To the friends and family who graciously keep up with this blog (many of whom have emailed me over the last few months wondering, "what the hell"):

I'm in the process of re-doing my entire web presence, and may start a "real" (i.e. professionally designed and much more focused) blog soon.  In the meantime, some quick updates--

Here's a link to a great new essay collection on the more complicated aspects of Louisiana history, being published by Wiley in January and featuring a piece on race relations by yours truly.  Order a copy, please, and help save books written by real historians.

What else.  My niece and nephew grow like weeds.  John and I cook A LOT of Mexican food and got addicted to Homeland.  I began a little job at the French Legation Museum in East Austin, where we research the Republic period and things like Pig Wars (which are real, and thank you, years and years of grad school, for prepping me to handle something so strange in a historiographical manner) and cooking pots.  The experience has even further ignited in me a need to work in the public history realm, and I'll share more on that end with you soon.


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