Sunday, January 31, 2010


So the transition from old blog to new has caused a lag time with friends. A few of them have approached me in the past few days about these latest entries, having caught up with the new endeavor. While they like said entries (or at least humor me and say so!), they've also suggested that my writing is a bit somber as of late. I have NO idea what to do with that. I don't feel somber. I sort of feel light as a feather these days.

Here's my attempt at blogging-lite today:

1) Right now I'm listening to Jay Sean and Lil' Wayne (I may have mispelled those monikers). No, I'm not kidding. "Baby, are you down down down?" Apparently, one can also be "down like the economy." I can't decide if this song is sweet or really dirty. [I have a Sunday itunes playlist that would make even my closest friends blush because they'd be so effing embarrassed.]

2) Jay, skinny-jeaned lead lad from the Modern Skirts, threw a blue flannel shirt my way last night at the 40 Watt. We were close to the stage getting pushed around mosh-style by some prepubescent headbangers. (Okay, they were probably seventeen. But Keira pointed out that they had no hair on their legs.) Frances insists that he bought a bag of shirts from the Goodwill just to make us squeal. I insist that Jay drank some whiskey while wearing this shirt and maybe even rolled around in his bed in it. Frances said, "Good luck with that illusion."

3) My father has made his way unto facebook. He called me last night just to tell me that. I guess it's time for me to remove those photos of me actually having fun.

4) I dusted off the old resume today. Time to play around, makes some changes, and start working on some new stuff. More to come on this side of things.

5) Things Brian said. I continue to catalog them:

I told him I'd been approached by an adorable mop-headed guy at a concert the other night. Not my type, mind you, but adorable and also very tipsy. So I might have told him I had a boyfriend in Ohio. And Brian replies: "LA! Of all the realistic places that you DO have men! And you tell him Ohio?" My response? "Brian, what men do I have scattered in realistic places? Help a girl out."

6) I'm headed to Borders to make a new book purchase right now. I wish some of you would read this is real time and offer suggestions. Although there's a certain charm to wandering around and stumbling upon something random. We'll see. I'll report back.

7) I've added my buddy Matt Weeks' blog to the right sidebar over here. Check his stuff out. Matt is one of the quip-savviest folks I've ever met. His sharp take on pop culture will make you snort the coffee right out of your nose.

8) You and I could probably write a bad romance.

--silly girl

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