Monday, February 15, 2010


So here's the next stop. Maybe I should have written up mini-reviews of the books I've rushed through while traveling (and I mean that in a good way), but for some reason my mind is pushing me to wait and post some massive cumulative thing. Perhaps there are connections I'll be able to make between Malcom Gladwell, John Krakauer, and this one.

Thanks Megan, for this recommendation. You've only known me for a few months, but in one very sharp, very energetic moment you realized that this book reminded you of the conversations we've had about life. I'm kind of surprised no one's steered me to it before. I think of life in the framework of lyrics, probably too much. The most embarrassing fact about me? I have a soundtrack plotted out, for if my life became a movie in some alternate universe. Can you imagine? That's narcissistic. But it imposes order on my thoughts when I need it the most. Every life event--heart soar, heart misstep, frustration, loss, gain--gets assigned a song.

Okay, lots more to come once I settle back down.

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