Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yet another edition of: "I Wish I'd Written This"

Great article from Slate about the "cheapness" of sex for modern 20-somethings.  I'm not trying to pull a "I thought of this first thing," but I will say that my girlfriends can attest--I've mentioned this theory before.

Basically, the idea is that the "cost" of sex is so low for women now (because of birth control, their own education, their own careers, etc.) that men can feel less guilty about wanting just THAT.  And, secondary point, that society had carved out a new niche within which "casual" sex has become something not only accepted but often lauded as "modern."  Now...that I can concede to a little.  Ha.  You know I'm all about modernity.

But I agree: somehow 20- and 30-something men have gained the upper hand in the sexual world.  Even the ones that sit on the couch and do nothing are convinced of this.  Even though women outnumber men in colleges, at workplaces, I won't go on and on...somehow we allow them to get what THEY want in the bedroom.

I say women are partly enablers in all this.  I know I have been in the past--handing over control in a romantic situation to men who were not as smart as me, did not have as much to offer as I did.  Sad!  No more, no more, I say!

Anyway, read this:

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