Friday, February 17, 2012

Texas feel

I have very recently learned that what people say in cliched tones about home your whole life is true... It's where your family is, not where your things once were. I was born and raised in Shreveport, Louisiana. There are a lot of pieces of me there. And people I love. But my most beloved, my clan so to speak, has migrated here to Austin. Before six years ago I had never set foot in this town. Somehow now it feels so much like home. The Texmex place down the street from my sister's house? I've been there dozens of times. And their salsa is perhaps my favorite ever. Which is a big deal because I love salsa so much some accuse me of drinking it. Anyway. It's weird. Two days here, and I feel comforted by those waves of home and food and laughter that only family can give you. Also frustration, but that's a whole other story. I also feel that's renewed sense of Georgia as a place of my own. If Austin is the homeland now, Athens is the place I made for myself.

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